The Benefits of Direct Care Dermatology

(561) 783-DERM

Direct Care Model

DermWorksTM operates with a direct pay model, allowing our board-certified dermatologists to advocate for your health based on your needs. What does this mean for you? Transparent pricing, without any hidden fees, and an a-la-carte menu of services.

At DermWorksTM, we take a simpler approach to comprehensive care. By eliminating third parties from our practice, we reduce our administrative costs and pass these savings on to you.

Direct Pay FAQs:

No. We charge a flat rate ranging between $150 and $200 for most visits. Patients with private insurance often have extremely high deductibles, co-pays and policies that do not cover all procedures. Very commonly, patients pay a co-pay to see a specialist, receive a large bill in the mail weeks later and receive an additional bill from the laboratory. We eliminate extra bills and charges.

Dr. Queller believes medical insurance is beneficial, but feels that we have lost sight of the proper place for insurance.  Like car, life and disability insurance, the role of medical insurance should be reserved for large, expensive and catastrophic events – not typical day-to-day care. Do we use our car insurance to pay for gas, oil changes or new tires? No, of course not.  The result would be unaffordable car insurance costs, lack of price transparency, over-utilization of services and ensuing insurance control of the care of your vehicle.

This is what has transpired in medicine. Can you imagine your car insurance dictating to you that you could only use regular gas even though your car requires premium? Or only allowing you to go to one mechanic that is too busy to fix your car for a month?

At DermWorks, Dr. Jenna Queller aims to restore the traditional practice of medicine when medical decisions were made between doctor and patients – not dictated by third parties. This type of practice model will allow Dr. Queller to spend more quality time face-to-face with patients. Your time is valuable and Dr. Queller appreciates that.

Upon request, we can provide you a ‘Superbill’, which is a detailed receipt of your visit with us. You can mail it to your insurance company, and based on your policy, you can possibly get reimbursed.

We are considered out of network for all private insurances giving our patients the freedom to choose any physician they want.  In addition, we can provide you with a standard CMS-1500 claim form so that you can process the claim directly with your insurance. Your private insurance may reimburse you directly or apply the claim toward your out of network deductible.

We kindly ask that you call the office at (561) 783-DERM to schedule an appointment and inform our staff if you are covered by Medicare.

Yes. We accept Medicare patients at our office. However, patients covered by Medicare must be billed under the specific Medicare guidelines and, at this time, cannot be billed under our direct care dermatology model.

Yes! Even if you have insurance you can still see a direct care physician. In fact, you can use your health savings and flex spending accounts to pay for your visits. You can also use your insurance coverage to fill your prescription medications and blood work when needed.

Please see our pricing page by clicking here for details. We offer a basic visit that covers one issue for $150. We offer a comprehensive visit that is meant for more complex procedures or multiple issues for $200. Finally, we offer follow up visits for patients who are returning to show the doctor the status of the previously diagnosed issue for $75.

No, this is NOT a concierge model. There is NO membership fee.